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The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

  • 2025-26 course selections open 1/28, close 2/9
The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

The Dragon Yearbook


Yearbooks for 2024-25 can be purchased hereThe award-winning Dragon Yearbook features grades 9-12 as well as all Carroll sponsored sports and activities. The book will be on sale at the back-to-school special price of $70 through Sept. 15 only. The book will then be available at the regular price through Nov. 10 and then “Last Chance” pricing will be in effect until Jan. 26.

The Dragon yearbook has been named a National Scholastic Press Association All-American, Best of Show, Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Crown winner as well as an ILPC Silver Star Award winner. The book is created by students in the Dragon Media program and published by Jostens.


Senior recognition ads for the 2025 yearbook can also be purchased through Jostens HERE beginning in August. The deadline for senior ads is Dec. 1, but late ads will be accepted through Dec. 15 for an additional fee, as space allows. We cannot guarantee ad space after the Dec. 1 deadline. Ad prices and more information can be found here: Senior Ad Info. We will update this page once we have reached our page limit and ad sales have closed.


Underclassmen portraits are set for Sept. 10-11 at Carroll Senior High School. Juniors will be photographed during their English classes. Sophomores and freshmen will be photographed Sept. 12-13 at Carroll High School during their English classes. Retakes will take place on Oct. 8 on both campuses. Students who do not have their portraits taken on these dates will not be featured in the 2025 CHS/CSHS yearbook.

Senior portraits were taken on campus at CSHS during the summer months as well as two dates in August on campus. Seniors must be photographed by Legacy Studios in the tux/drape by Oct. 8 in order to be featured in the senior portrait section of the yearbook. Those who were not photographed by Legacy will be listed as “Not Pictured” in the senior portrait section. We cannot accept submitted photos for the portrait section.

Underclassmen will take their yearbook portrait with their English class during the first weeks of September. Retakes for both campuses are set for October. A link from Legacy Studios will be sent to the parents to purchase following the photo dates. Those who were not photographed by Legacy by Oct. 8 will be listed as “Not Pictured” in the class portrait section. We cannot accept submitted photos for the portrait section.

Who is our photo company and how do parents reach them?

Legacy Studios

[email protected]  or 716-512-6336

How and when do parents order senior photos? 

2-3 weeks after photo day a link will be emailed to the parent with emails provided by the student during the photo day session letting them know digital proofs are available. From there, pricing will be available, and parents will be able to purchase photos. If parents have issues receiving the email, they c

an use the flyer above to find their photos.

How and when do parents receive senior photos?

Legacy Studios mails portraits and any other items ordered to the student’s home, not school

How and when do parents order underclassmen photos?

On photo day students will receive a QR card with a direct link to view and order photos. photos are available in 10-14 days online to view. If the QR card does not make it home parents can use the flyer at right to locate their images. Note: Carroll Senior High Code is 7162F25 and Carroll High is 7161F25.

How and when do parents receive underclassmen photos?

Legacy Studios mails portraits and any other items ordered to the student’s home, with provided emails. If no emails are provided orders will bulk ship back to the campus.


If your senior has been enrolled in Carroll ISD since kindergarten, they will take part in the yearbook Kindergrad Photos in late February on the campus of their elementary school. Emails with dates and times will be sent out once we are able to consult the athletics calendars and get permission from the elementary campus administrators.

For the most up-to-date information, follow us @slcdragon media on Instagram.  For questions regarding the yearbook, please contact adviser Natalie Brown at [email protected]