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The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

  • Girls Soccer is celebrating Future’s Night and Teacher Appreciation on Tuesday, 2/25, at Dragon Stadium
  • Members of the swim team will compete at state this Saturday, 2/22
  • Boys Basketball advances to second round of playoffs after beating Weatherford
  • Prom and senior picnic tickets will be on sale soon.
  • Emerald Belles Showcase is today, 2/20, in the main gym of CSHS. Doors open at 5:30.
  • Band Bistro is on Friday, 2/28. Buy tickets here to support the Dragon Band.
The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

Graham Davidson

Graham Davidson, KDGN

Graham Davidson is a varsity football player and member of the KDGN staff. Outside of school he enjoys making short films and videos. Last year he shot and edited a hype video for the state champion baseball team on his own time and produced many football highlight reels for KDGN. This year he plans on making more comedic segments for KDGN, adding to last year’s ILPC award-winning PSA segment: “Signing Day.” He also participates in volunteering organizations such as SASO and YMSL, in which he serves as president of his class for the latter. Graham has also participated in Varsity Track and Field, Junior Varsity baseball, men’s choir, a summer NYU screenwriting program, and interned for Carroll Sports Marketing. He loves Dragon Media for its great environment and equipment. He often tells people that “anyone can cook.” He will study Film & TV production after graduation.

All content by Graham Davidson