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The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

  • 2025-26 course selections open 1/28, close 2/9
The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

Yasmina Vidacak

Yasmina Vidacak, KDGN

Yasmina Vidacak is a senior at Carroll Senior High and in her third year of Dragon Media. She
enjoys being part of a team that is involved and helps document the school year through their
work. If you see her with a camera feel free to give her a smile. Yasmina loves to travel and go
on adventures. She plans to study Parks, Recreation, and Tourism as it contributes to her
passion for the outdoors and love of working with others. Yasmina is excited to see what her
senior year brings and work with Dragon Media to encapsulate memories of the 2023 school

All content by Yasmina Vidacak