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The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

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The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

The student news site of Carroll Senior High School

Dragon Media

Han-Gyong Parker

Han-Gyong Parker, Staff Writer

Han-Gyong Parker is a sophomore at Carroll High School. This is his first year involved with the newspaper, and he hopes to gain more skills in writing. He is interested in video games, marching band, game development and music making. He plays the trombone for the marching band and hopes to be able to cover each football game.

All content by Han-Gyong Parker
Stop click baiting me (Opinion)

Stop click baiting me (Opinion)

How video game companies force you to consume
Han-Gyong Parker, Staff Writer
March 6, 2018
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How is the average gamer viewed? (Opinion)

How is the average gamer viewed? (Opinion)

Non-gamer views on gamers
Han-Gyong Parker, Staff Writer
February 16, 2018
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